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Why I took a Social Media Detox

I don't know where your mental health is today, but I'm consciously working on my own.

Last week I met up with some friends and I explained that lately checking into social media felt a lot like eating junk food. Even when you're hungry, and in the case of social media for me it was for connection, after consuming even a little bit I felt gross for a long time afterwards.

It was a habit that felt hard to break.

It felt like I lost a friend, or 5,000 friends.

And running a completely 100% online business, it felt freaking terrifying to not be showing up there.

It's now been almost a month into my detox and a few massive things have changed. Notably, I realized that for the first time most of my connections reach me through social media. This has meant that I am now disconnected, unreachable even. And that doesn't feel good.

97% of my sales through my website come from social media. Sales tanked. No biggie, I thought. I'll reach them from my email list. And if it wasn't so scary, it might be hilarious that I am having technical issues with my list. My business took a massive hit and it hurts.

I've missed invitations.

I've missed sharing photos and hilarious stories or intuitive wisdom.

I've noticed for the first time just how many people are in their devices instead of in the moment.

But I've gained so much more that that.

There is a sense of peace that comes from not being bombarded by news or unwanted opinions or my first ever online bully (we'll get into that another time).

There is more time to be still and sit with my own creativity.

There is space to heal wounds that I've been avoiding and burying.

There is suddenly an excess amount of time to meditate, bake, nap when my body asks for rest, work, and process the moment and my emotions.

My anxiety level has decreased substantially.

I have more opportunities for face-to-face conversations that cannot be expressed virtually.

I'm not spending energy on feeling things that literally have nothing to do with me, yet I felt pulled in empathetically from reading other people's words.

I have more time to choose what I absorb, what books I read, what podcasts fill my cup and fire me up, or to slowly walk my old dog and breathe fresh air.

A detox has been good for me, and although I don't know how long I may stay removed, it is important that I remain disconnected for now.

So I'm showing up with you here for as long as it takes. I still have funny stories to share. I still have life lessons and wisdom. I still have creativity that needs to be expressed. And I crave a way to feel connected to you, and that matters to me.

We are all in a strange season right now, and this feels like the hardest one I've survived yet.

I'll share with you, open up to you, and hopefully in this new way of connection together I can hold out my hand to walk with those of you who are also working through your own hardest season.

We are all going to be okay.

With love,


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